McCain Defends Illegal Immigrants (thankfully, someone does)
"As for McCain, he seemed disgusted by the odor of the nativist compost being spread around the stage. "This whole debate saddens me a little bit," he said. Of immigrants, he dared to declare: "These are God's children as well, and they need some protections under the law and they need some of our love and compassion." I hope God blesses McCain for that."
- from this E.J. Dionne article
- Praise God for John McCain. This whole anti-immigrant ruckus in the Republican Party is an embarassment. The Religious Right crows about morality and then they are silent when decent people who want to support their families are attacked by neo Know-Nothing bigots. Immigration makes this country great and who wouldn't want an influx of people who would risk everything to provide for their familes? Family values, anyone?
The protectionist racism of this debate honestly makes me wonder whether I want to be a Republican anymore. The Religious Right won't touch McCain with a ten-foot pole but he's the only one (Huckabee, too) acting like a Christian.
- from this E.J. Dionne article
- Praise God for John McCain. This whole anti-immigrant ruckus in the Republican Party is an embarassment. The Religious Right crows about morality and then they are silent when decent people who want to support their families are attacked by neo Know-Nothing bigots. Immigration makes this country great and who wouldn't want an influx of people who would risk everything to provide for their familes? Family values, anyone?
The protectionist racism of this debate honestly makes me wonder whether I want to be a Republican anymore. The Religious Right won't touch McCain with a ten-foot pole but he's the only one (Huckabee, too) acting like a Christian.