Saturday, July 28, 2007

LSU Coach Les Miles and Godzilla

Monday, July 23, 2007

This Man Has My Vote

Saturday, July 21, 2007

"Grace can justify freely, when it will, who it will, from what it will. Grace can continue to pardon, favour, and save from falls, in falls, out of falls. Grace can comfort, relieve, and help those who have hurt themselves. And grace can bring the unworthy to glory."

John Bunyan in *Grace Abounding For the Chief of Sinners*

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Thanks for Being So Clear, Ratzinger

"I say, then, neither pope, nor bishop, nor any man whatever has the right of making one syllable binding on a Christian man, unless it be done with his own consent. Whatever is done otherwise is done in the spirit of tyranny...I cry aloud on behalf of liberty and conscience, and I proclaim with confidence that no kind of law can with any justice be imposed on Christians, except so far as they themselves will; for we are free from all."
- Martin Luther

I am so encouraged that Ratzinger is re-affirming the distinction between Rome and the Reformation. Perhaps those of the Reformation tradition will arise out of their slumber, condemn the Joint Declaration on Justification, and once again fill the churches with shouts of justification by faith alone. Christianity is not about agreeing on morality or an aimless visible church unity. It is about the truth that grace ALONE through faith ALONE on account of Christ's merit ALONE saves. - DOB

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The pope is working on overturning Vatican II. Today, he re-asserted the primacy of popery. He said the Orthodox were true churches, but defective due to their unwillingness to recognize His Papal Majesty. Protestants? Well, we're not even recognized as churches. The reason? Apostolic succession. It amazes me that so many people are interested in apostolic succession. Apostolic succession as the test of the true church is laughable.

The Orthodox have apostolic succession, but they are rife with atheist holdovers from communism. Rome has apostolic succession but they protect and gloss over pedophile priests, continually contradict themselves in councils (see the Council of Orange and the denunciation of the Jansenists in 1711), and throw around temporal power like they are some sort of temporal kingdom (which they are). ECUSA and The Church of England have apostolic succession and I really don't want to re-hash all those problems.

I am really dying to ask one of these ecumenical Joint Declaration on Faith advocates what they think about all this.