Saturday, September 29, 2007

Blaise Pascal

"True eloquence takes no heed of eloquence, true morality takes no heed of morality."
- Blaise Pascal, Pensées

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Steven Paulson Quote

"There are not many who have been willing to follow Luther as he is 'forced to confess' the captivation of the will...Yet what a vast difference it makes for a preacher to stand before a congregation and assume their will are bound rather than to stand before a group and assume their wills are merely in need of motivation."
- Steven Paulson

Thanks to John Zahl for this little nugget. - DOB

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Quote from FitzSimons Allison

"Justification by faith is as rarely understood by moralists within the church as by secularists outside the church. However, of the two groups the latter are far more knowledgeable and sophisticated about the sinister effects of a religion of law.

The Reformation insight that one's identity (justification) must proceed and become the foundation of wholeness (sanctification) is precisely paralleled by the wisdom of clinical experience of the priority of ego over superego, or the necessity of the self to be nurtured in order to enable a healthy acceptance of responsibility."

- Rt. Rev. (retired) FitzSimons Allison in Guilt, Anger, and God